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Building a Good Day

Good Enough, 28-33       Psalm 37:1-9
Imagine that you have a completely free day. No clutter, no pressure. I know, that’s hard to picture. But just rest in that thought for a moment and breathe.

Now imagine that you could choose to do what is truly life-giving, joyful, and meaningful, including something that brings you closer to God, if you’d like. You in particular, not anyone else. What might those things be? What memories, thoughts, hopes, or awarenesses are surfacing, about what makes you feel most spiritually alive?

How might you make these life-giving things more a part of your everyday life and less of a someday or when-I-get-less-busy?

Dear God, thank you for the inbreath of hope that my life could become a richer and truer expression, an outbreath of Your Spirit in me, and through me. Help me build this beauty, this goodness into my life, one gentle day at a time.



Gail about 3 years ago

I loved this quote “ And when your day is getting too stuffed, stop. Notice what is happening. Ask God for help, and look for the coming of Love that renews and restores the goodness.”
My days seem to alert get stuffed and not always with the things I love. I need to stop and take a breath. I now make myself take a break at work, it may not always be the same time, but I take that moment to pray and read scripture or the God moments. It helps me to feel unstuffed.

Gail about 3 years ago

It was supposed to say always get stuffed not alert get stuffed. See what I mean a stuffed day makes for a rushed day.

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