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The 2024 Alaska Synod Assembly took place at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, April 26-28. The congregation of Gloria Dei are wonderful hosts; they fed and housed us well!

It was a special treat to have ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton attend to help oversee the bishop election.

The assembly covered and accomplished a lot over the weekend, including passing two resolutions and electing a new bishop. The final official day of Bishop Shelley Wickstrom's call as Alaska Synod bishop is June 30.

Rev. Timothy Oslovich, the bishop elect, currently serves as pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Vernon, CT. His previous call was at Shishmaref Lutheran. His new call as bishop of the Alaska Synod officially begins July 1, 2024.

There were also shared faith stories, workshops, Bible work (study),  and the commissioning of two SAMs (synodically authorized ministers).

More information can be found at There are also photos and links on the Alaska Synod Facebook page: