On the first day of his journey, Jonah set out into the city and proclaimed, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!” Jonah 3:4
In the prophecy of Jonah, God moves the sea, lots, beasts, and people to overturn lives from wickedness toward good. The sailors, the Ninevehites, and even the animals experience an overturning through God’s compassion. But the direction of one particular life, that of Jonah, God works the most to interrupt. God goes to extraordinary lengths to overturn Jonah, and yet, if Jonah is overturned, we are not told. Instead, we are left pondering God’s powerful question, “Have you any right to be angry?”
The times I have answered yes to that question have been times of my deepest regrets, where my harmful choices hurt myself and others. Yet thankfully, God continually seeks to overturn me.
One of my over-turnings occurred on a very early morning in late winter decades ago. It started with faint “music” filling the sky outside our valley home. It grew louder. It was unearthly. It was beautiful. It was something awesome! My conclusion? It was the Second Coming of Christ, for me, an overturning event. I knew Jesus was not the King of my heart — my grievous “right" was. My gut collapsed as I prepared for the eternal punishment I chose.
I awoke Mark and the children with the news that Jesus was coming — my voice heartbreakingly void of joy or praise. Mark deemed it a Close Encounter of the Third Kind and went back to sleep. Neighbors gathered on the street, the radio station fielded reports — everyone wondering what the meaning of this event could be. For me, God was moving a snowplow to overturn my life.
“Have you any right to be angry?”
How is God interrupting your life in hopes of an overturn?
In your compassionate love, Father, you interrupt our destructive ways -- for our own good and for the good of others. Thank you for your patience with us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
Link to Bible verses: Book of Jonah