2 Kings 5: The story of Naaman: a foreign army commander healed of leprosy.
A captured young girl who became a maid to Naaman’s wife. One day she said to her mistress, “Oh, if only my master could meet the prophet of Samaria, he would be healed of his skin disease.”
But his servants caught up with him and said, “Father, if the prophet had asked you to do something hard and heroic, wouldn’t you have done it? So why not this simple ‘wash and be clean’?
What I found subversive about this story was the role of the servants who exhibited great faith.
The slave girl from Israel chooses to advise her master of the Prophet Elisha who can heal him. After rejecting Elisha’s proposed healing, the servants of Naaman encourage him to rethink his position.
God has the power to heal. God chooses to heal foreigners. God’s message and spirit work through those in society who are at the bottom. A small measure of humility can yield great results.
Let us pray: Lord and Giver of Life, thank you for coming to us in our need and through unexpected circumstances. Help us be open to your mysterious ways. Amen.
Link to Bible verses: 2 Kings 5