I am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
Jeg er så glad hver julekveld
Jeg er så glad hver julekveld,
ti da blev Jesus født;
da lyste stjernen som en sol,
og engler sang så sødt.
1 I am so glad each Christmas Eve,
the night of Jesus' birth!
Then like the sun the star shone forth,
and angels sang on earth.
2 The little child in Bethlehem,
he was a king indeed!
For he came down from heav'n above
to help a world in need.
3 He dwells again in heaven's realm,
the Son of God today;
and still he loves his little ones
and hears them when they pray.
4 I am so glad each Christmas Eve!
His praises then I sing;
he opens now for ev'ry child
the palace of the king.
5 And so I love each Christmas Eve,
and I love Jesus too;
and that he loves me ev'ry day
I know so well is true.
Text: Marie Wexelsen, 1832-1911; tr. Peter A. Sveeggen, 1881-1959
Text © 1932 Augsburg Publishing House, admin. Augsburg Fortress.
I love the hymn “Jeg er så glad hver kveld” in any language. I have had the opportunity to spend the Christmas holidays in Norway twice. I don’t remember much about the first time in 1959 while working as a nurse at Ullevål City Hospital in Oslo. Perhaps I was at work to let the local nurses spend time with their families.
In 1989 my sister Carol and I spent the Christmas and New Years visiting relatives in Nordland, Norway. In rural Nordland with one minister serving multiple congregations and the distance to a church going to a church service was not a high priority.
The holidays are family oriented. Every home has lighted Advent candles in the front window. Presents are opened on Christmas Eve. Christmas dinner is strictly for the immediate family. Of course, our relatives included us as family! Andre jul dag (Dec. 26) is for the extended family or friends. The Christmas tree does not come down until the 12th day of Christmas.
Lord, fill our hearts with the genuine spirit of Christmas. Let the significance of Christmas never be only the many busy activities of the festive season. Remind us that the worries and disturbing problems of every day life do not rob us of Christmas joy. We trust in you for all of your blessings and we thank you for coming to be our Lord and Savior.
And so I love each Christmas Eve, and I love Jesus too; and that he loves me ev’ry day I know so well is true. Amen