Say Potato
Good Enough, 150-155
Jeffrey A. Hall, a communication-studies professor at the University of Kansas estimates that it takes 200 hours over six weeks for a new-to-you person to become a friend. Think of a few of your closest friends. How long have you known them? Are you surprised by how long or how short a time it took for you to become one another’s people?
What qualities in a friend do you value the most? What special qualities do you offer your friendships?
Paul says that we should “carry each other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). Is there something you are carrying that is too heavy to bear alone right now?
Perhaps there are ways you can be a better friend to the people in your life. Reach out to a friend today, ask them: “How can I be a better friend to you?”
God, I need a friend, one that can weather the bad times and celebrate the good. You know me inside and out. Help me become the kind of person who can take responsibility for what is mine to change, so that I can be a good friend to others. So there’s a mutual give and take in each relationship. God, strengthen me. Help me.