Hello, Goodbye
Good Enough, 103-109 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Think about a change you have made recently. Perhaps you moved careers or had a child or lost someone you loved or had to give up playing your favorite sport. What are the goodbyes and hellos embedded in that change (no matter how small)?
“Not every change is going to be a transformation. But every change can be an opportunity for grace” (Good Enough, 105). The change you thought of in the previous question: has it made you better? Worse? Holier? Crustier? Softer? Quicker on the draw? What other words would you use to describe yourself in the wake of that change?
The Good Enough Step for today says, “I did what I knew to do, with what I knew then.” How does that phrase sit with you as you think back on past decisions or mistakes?
God, Show me what I need for right now, and grant me the courage and wisdom and grace to receive it.