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The Tragedy Olympics


Good Enough, 86-91      Galatians 6:2

“The Tragedy Olympics”—where someone one-ups a set of horrific circumstances with their own—is often done out of a desire to relate or perhaps get a bit of attention for their situation. What’s the funniest incident of this that you have seen played out?

Look around. Is there evidence that “struggle is everyone’s normal”? How does social media support or undermine that idea?

Think of a time when someone knew how to support you in your pain. What did they do that felt like love?

God, show me how to be a support to others in their pain. May my reaction never be to judge or compare or compete. Teach me, when I don’t know the right thing to do or say. But when I feel afraid or inept, empower me to follow through, to show up again and again with love and compassion and faithfulness.


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