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For the Exiles


Good Enough, 79-85          Matthew 25:35-40

To love those who have been devalued and demeaned, is to do what Jesus did—to restore their human dignity. Who is someone you know who does this well? Or perhaps a time you received that kind of kindness?

Are there any people in your sphere of influence who seem invisible, shunned, or forgotten? How might you extend kindness to them this week?

Is there a little part of you too painful to look at, that is hidden under a shadow of shame? Perhaps parts that feel left out, forgotten, last-picked? Allow yourself to see through the eyes of God for a minute. Speak kindly to yourself. If it’s too hard, imagine what you might say to a friend who feels the same way. Say it to yourself instead.

God, thank you for moving the center of Your kingdom to be with those who are rejected, just so they could belong. Encircle me in those very arms of Your love, that my restoration might be so complete, so pure, and genuine that it radiates love to others in a way that gives them the same standing–the right to receive and give love and care, simply by virtue of their humanity.


1 Comment

Gail about 2 years ago

A good enough step was to write a prayer in the form of a haiku.
Lord I am weary
Give me strength to carry on
My hope is in you.

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