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Happy Enough


Good Enough, 61-67      Philippians 4:10-13

Sometimes hunger looks like ambition or goal-setting or bucket lists. It can help us visioncast or create futures for ourselves we might not reach for otherwise. When was the last time you felt that endless hunger that strives for more, more, more? What gift does that kind of hope offer you?

On the flipside, when so few of us are living our BEST LIFE NOW, the narrative of endless progress can make us feel like we missed the mark—that we’ll never be good enough or smart enough or successful enough. What downsides have you recognized in the “everything is possible” worldview?

Being content in our present moment can be a tricky discipline. Look around. What feels like contentment right now? If nothing comes to mind, compress your attention even smaller.

Dear God, You know me, and You know those things I do that dampen Your life in me. Grant me freedom to come out from under what is not mine to carry. Let me sit awhile in Your presence, and begin to sense how You are shaping for me a pattern of life that builds strength and peace. And may it be for me such an inner joy, that it might overflow to others.


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