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Mourning a Future Self


Good Enough, 15-20 Psalm 42

Grief can take on many forms. Some losses are easy to name. The people and relationships and pets we love. Some losses are more difficult to name. Like the loss of imagined futures. Name what you are grieving today.

Write a prayer of lament to God. You can use Psalm 42 or Psalm 130 as a template. God can take it all, even the angry and most honest parts.

Read your lament out loud as a prayer. Sit in silence. Allow yourself a few minutes to grieve what you’ve lost.



Tari about 3 years ago

There are two quotes I loved in today’s devotion. “Loss requires us to reimagine hope.”
“Anger is our soul’s sentry, put there to protect our boundaries and the vulnerabilities we carry”

Gail about 3 years ago

“Acknowledging this will never be is the precursor to imaging what might happen next. “ I’ve never thought about that sentence. It sort of turns a negative into hope.

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