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One of my favorite photos of the kids from Malaysia. We were blessed that SOV made it a priority to recognize and assist in a Sabbatical three months for Pastor Tari and our family. Our two months in Malaysia was an incredible growing and learning experience for all of us individually and helped cement our positive family relationship structure. Indeed, it was during this time, as a family, we developed our core family values that hangs on our fridge to this day:

  1. Being Healthy: eating good food, drinking water, exercising, playing, sports, sleeping; faith and spirituality, laughter, playing together.
  2. Doing our best
  3. Having adventures: going places, trying new things, not being too cautious
  4. No Whining
  5. Caring for community: helping others, being inviting and friendly, generosity, service & citizenship.
  6. Healthy relationships: take responsibility & ask for forgiveness, talk to each other, non-judgmental, don’t grab, be a team & work together, tone down reactions, supportive and encouraging, truthful, sharing

As our family moves into very different roles in our current lives, we cherish all the amazing travel adventures we have shared together, knowing it has expanded our horizons and deepened our relationships!

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