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I found myself standing in the English countryside with my arms wide open and realized this is a pattern for me. When something is overwhelmingly beautiful and surprising, I open my arms in an embrace. I promise to stop traveling when I no longer embrace the beauty of other places. 

I'm currently visiting Hannah for the week in Oxford, England. Here is what I've learned in my little over 24 hours so far:

1. When you aren't good at telling your right from your left, then driving on the left side of the road isn't that hard. 

2. The British love roundabouts. They love them so much there are roundabouts on the freeways. 

3. Everything is really old.

4. And random. We explored the World of Crocodiles in the middle of the lovely English countryside. It's the largest collection of crocodiles in the UK. 

5. Evensong was beautiful in one of the grand college chapels, but I'm thankful I don't have to manage the upkeep of grand old churches or the boys' choir, who remarkably sat still for 45 minutes and didn't start punching each other until they went outside.

6. They serve a shot glass of soup as a side. This amused me greatly, but I'm glad Hannah didn't chug it because it was hot.

7. I love my family. Feel free to harass me about another trip, but every chance I have to hang out with my kids I take. I love those embraces too.



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