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I live in a place of light sucking darkness, especially in the winter. The overcast sky and the rain that washes away the fresh bright snow can be soul crushing. Artificial light saves my sanity. For the last decade or so Christmas decorating for me has been putting the tree up and adding the lights. Done. I'm ready for Christmas. Whatever else gets added and whatever else gets done is just extra. I have several boxes of ornaments that have wonderful stories to go with them, but the lights are the best. I especially appreciate outdoor lights. Not necessarily the big show, but the strings of lights that stay up and are lit all the way to Ash Wednesday. We negotiate every year about the cut off time for our outdoor lights. I've gotten it out to Martin Luther King, Jr Day. My goal is to be the last house to go dark. I am thankful for my bright spot neighbors!

1 Comment

Lori over 1 year ago

Alice, Christmas lights make the holiday beautiful.

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