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2 Corinthians 7:9
Now I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because your grief led to repentance; for you felt a godly grief, so that you were not harmed in any way by us.

Growing up it was custom to give up something during lent. As a kid I was a big chocolate and dessert fan, so that is usually what I would give up. I tended to just stick with giving up chocolate, while my sister would give up all sweets. Chocolate was more definite to me. I could look at something as say for sure that it had chocolate in it. Sweets was more ambiguous. Does gum count? Does fruit with sugar on it count? I could argue it either way, and then I would have guilt over it if my thoughts at the time lead me to eat something I probably should not have. Apple pie - that is a fruit right? 

I would think about how much Jesus gave up for us. He died a painful, unpleasant death so that we may know his love for us. That thought and grief is in the back of my head as go through the forty of days of Lent.  I can give up anything for forty days. I know that there is an end to it. I will be able to have that chocolate or drink again. These forty days are just a small sacrifice compared to the sacrifice that Jesus gave up for us.

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